Senin, 18 Maret 2019


Nama: Asma Ul Husna
Npm  : 21216138
Kelas : 3EB07

            Jack Ma is one of the richest people in Asia. Jack Ma is founder of Alibaba Group, and that’s an online based company. He born on September 10, 1964 at Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China (1:a). When he was young, he interesting to learn English language (1:b). He always woke up at the morning time for went to hotel (1:a). In the hotel, (1:a) Ma met with the tourists and then spoke English language with them (3:PP). Because that can made a habit to him (3:PP) for used in everyday conversation. He did it (3:PP) until nine years, and then he became a tour guide in China for the tourists (1:a).
            Jack Ma was failed when follow the test to enter in famous college. Then he choose to studied at the equivalent of D3 majoring in English literature. He worked as English teacher after passed from college (1:a). He also applied for another job as a KFC employee, a hotel employee, and a police. But all of that reject it. Because of his (3:PS) ability about speaking English (2:G), brought him (3:PP) to USA in 1995. He was took initiative to made a website for promotion as a translator after knew internet. In 1999, he talked about his (3:PS) dream to building an e-commerce company (2:G). Finally, Ma and his (3:PS) friends collected the fund to started Alibaba business (1:a). Many established companies laughed and rejected the Alibaba website. Then he tried to offer that website service to low and middle class business.
            In October 1999, Alibaba was successful and attracting the attention of many investor (1:b). At the time, Alibaba got an investation too from Goldman and Softbank (1:a). Alibaba continues to grow as the biggest e-commerce business in China. Alibaba was investing to some e-commerce company in various countries, included in Indonesia (1:b). Finally his (3:PS) struggle has been paying off and can giving satisfy profit. Because the struggle and hard work of him (3:PP), make an inspiration for the people in the world. Especially for the young people, students of college, workers, and other people who need motivation for hard working and studying. Although he became one of the rich man, Ma included a simple person. He has an unique hobby. His (3:PS) hobby is collecting traditional salt during he’s visiting to a country (2:G). And that showing  he’s a simple person.
Jack Ma was getting married with his (3:PS) friend from school (1:b). Her (3:PP) name is Zhang Ying. He was getting two childs from his married (1:b). But not much information about his (3:PS) family which is known by public. Ma very keep the private life of his (3:PS) family. He wants to life with normal, although he’s the one of richest in the Asia. That’s the short biography about Jack Ma.

1.     The tenses
a.       Simple Past
b.      Past Continuous
2.      Gerund / to + infinitive
a.       G = Gerund
3.      Personal Pronouns / Possessive Pronouns / Reflexive Pronouns
a.       PP = Personal Pronouns
b.      PS = Possessive Pronouns