Selasa, 24 September 2019




Di dalam dunia kerja, sebelum mulai mengikuti kegiatan di suatu perusahaan tentulah akan ada pembukaan lowongan bagi para pelamar kerja. Setiap pelamar kerja tentu harus mengikuti setiap tahap untuk bisa diterima dalam suatu perusahaan. Salah satu tahapannya adalah tahapan wawancara (interview). Dalam tahapan wawancara, terdapat beberapa cara yang bisa digunakan seperti tahapan wawancara secara online dan secara offline. Sebelum menghadapi tahapan wawancara, adakalanya seorang pelamar kerja harus mempersiapkan diri baik secara fisik maupun mental. Berikut akan dibahas mengenai persiapan yang akan dilakukan oleh pelamar saat menghadapi wawancara secara offline maupun online.
Wawancara secara offline, tentulah dilakukan secara tatap muka langsung dengan pewawancara. Hal tersebut biasanya akan membuat seseorang menjadi grogi dan tidak percaya diri. Untuk menghindari hal tersebut, pelamar harus menyiapkan persiapam baik saat sebelum maupun saat wawancara. Adapun hal-hal yang harus dipersiapkan adalah sebagai berikut:
a. Berlatih menjawab pertanyaan. Hal tersebut dapat dilakukan dengan mencari pertanyaan-pertanyaan bersumber dari kerabat yang pernah diwawancara, internet, atau buku-buku yang berisi tips menghadapi wawancara saat melamar pekerjaan.
b. Berlatih memperkenalkan diri. Dalam memperkenalkan diri pelamar harus berusaha terlihat percaya diri dan tidak ragu. Cara melatihnya dapat dilakukan dengan mempraktekannya di depan cermin, sehingga kita dapat melihat dan mengoreksi gerak-gerik tubuh.
c. Pahami posisi yang hendak dilamar. Pelamar harus memahami mengenai posisi yang hendak diambil di suatu perusahaan. Hal tersebut akan berpengaruh terhadap ketertarikan pewawancara jika kita memahami posisi yang akan dilaksanakan dan berbuntut pada keberhasilan wawancara.
d. Perhatikan cara berpakaian. Pelamar kerja harus berpenampilan rapi dan formal sehingga pewawancara juga dapat menilai bagaimana sikap dari pelamar kerja tersebut. Pewawancara akan dengan senang hati memandang dan menilai bahwa pelamar tersebut memiliki sikap yang baik.
e. Perhatikan waktu wawancara. Dalam dunia interview, terlambat memasuki ruangan tentu saja dapat mempengaruhi pelamar. Hal ini dapat membuat pewawancara menilai bahwa pelamar tidak disiplin. Dalam tahap interview kerja tentu akan menerapkan kedisiplinan yang tinggi mengingat hal itu akan diterapkan di perusahaan. Pewawancara biasanya akan langsung mencoret nama-nama pelamar yang datang terlambat dalam interview tanpa alasan apapun.
f. Gunakanlah bahasa yang baik dan benar saat menjawab setiap pertanyaan dari pewawancara. Selain bahasa yang digunakan, sikap kita selama wawancara juga diperhatikan, sehingga pelamar hendaknya bersikap sopan dan santun.
g. Persiapkan alasan-alasan yang baik dan masuk akal setiap menjawab pertanyaan dari pewawancara.
h. Carilah informasi mengenai perusahaan baik tentang latar belakang perusahaan maupun tentang bergerak dalam bidang apa perusahaan tersebut. Sehingga pelamar dapat mengetahui secara umum mengenai perusahaan yang dituju.
i. Berdo’a kepada Allah dan mintalah nasihat serta cerita pengalaman dari orang tua ataupun kerabat yang pernah  melakukan wawancara.

Dalam wawancara secara online, pihak perusahaan akan memberikan informasi atau mengabarkan terlebih dahulu mengenai  proses wawancara yang akan dilakukan pada hari yang telah ditentukan. Pihak perusahaan biasanya akan mengabarkan melalui email, chatting, SMS, ataupun telepon. Sehingga, pelamar kerja harus mempersiapkan diri pada hari tersebut. Adapun persiapan yang harus dilakukan pada saat wawancara secara online sebagai berikut:  
a. Pastikan koneksi internet di wilayah pelamar kerja stabil karena wawancara dilakukan secara online dan menghindari adanya ganggunan komunikasi.
b. Jika wawancara dilakukan menggunakan panggilan video, maka pelamar kerja diusahakan berpenampilan yang rapi. Jika wawancara dilakukan melalui chat atau telepon maka gunakanlah bahasa yang baik dan benar serta sopan.
c. Sebelum hari wawancara, pelamar dapat melakukan penelitian terlebih dahulu terhadap perusahaan untuk mengetahui latar belakang atau sejarah perusahaan tersebut dan dibidang apa perusahaan tersebut bergerak sehingga pelamar akan lebih mudah saat berinteraksi dengan pihak pewawancara.
d. Persiapkan profil pelamar kerja di beberapa media sosial yang digunakan seperti Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, alamat Blog dan LinkedIn karena bisa saja pihak perusahaan ingin mengetahui aktivitas pelamar di media sosial tersebut.
e. Persiapkan CV, Resume dan surat lamaran pelamar di tempat yang mudah dijangkau. Hal ini untuk mengantisipasi jika pihak pewawancara menanyakan kembali mengenai CV atau Resume yang telah dibuat pelamar.
f. Mempersiapkan alasan yang masuk akal jika diberi pertanyaan mengenai beberapa hal seperti gaji yang diinginkan, posisi yang diinginkan, dan sebagainya yang berhubungan dengan pekerjaan di perusahaan tersebut.
g. Perhatikan waktu wawancara yang akan dilaksanakan. Pastikan pelamar tidak terlambat saat melakukan wawancara, karena pewawancara mungkin akan langsung mencoret nama pelamar atau melewati nama pelamar yang terlambat saat wawancara secara online dilakukan.
h. Berdo’a kepada Allah dan tidak sungkan bertanya, mendengarkan nasihat, dan pengalaman dari orang tua serta kerabat yang pernah melalui tahapan wawancara.

Referensi dan Sumber:                             

Senin, 27 Mei 2019


ASMA UL HUSNA                    (21216138)
HAFSHAH KAMILA                (23216156)
SHEILLA FAKHRIYAH           (26216989)
WILDA DINI RIASTUTI          (27216645)
Antecedents of Pronouns
Nouns (noun) which are represented by pronouns (pronoun) are known as antecedent terms. The noun can be a word, phrase, or clause. In general, in a sentence, antecedent lies before the pronoun. Consider the example of the following sentence, the bold letters are pronouns and the underlined ones are antecedents.
·         The car that I want is on sale.
·         The teacher asked the children where they were going.
·         The government workers received their paychecks.
·         I threw the keys to him and he caught them.
·         Jane thought she saw the missing boy and reported him to the police.
·         The shift supervisor hates these accidents because he thinks they can be easily avoided.
·         Does anyone have his or her book?
Pronouns must be equivalent to the antecedent. In other words, if the antecedent is singular then the pronoun must also be singular. If the antecedent is plural then the pronoun must also be plural. In sentences, sometimes pronoun acts as an antecedent represented by other pronouns.
Dangling Constructions
A dangling construction is a group of words that the writer intends to be a modifier for a noun or phrase but the noun or phrase is not actually in the sentence.  Instead, the modifier erroneously describes a noun or phrase that is in the sentence sometimes with humorous results.  Here are some examples.
  • After eating, the waiter gave us the bill. (The sentence grammar says the waiter did the eating but that's not what the writer really means.)
  • While running, my shoe lost its heel. (I couldn’t slow that shoe down!)
  • To avoid extinction, researchers hope to breed in captivity.
  • After taking a three-month bicycle trip through Montana, my dog was happy to see me.
  • After reading the book, the movie is going to be great.
  • Wrapped in wax paper, the picnickers couldn't see if the sandwiches were tuna or egg salad.
  • Rolling down the hill, Larry saw an avalance of rocks approaching.
  • After placing bets, the horses headed to the starting gate.
Similar to dangling modifiers are misplaced modifiers.
  • I saw penguins on a trip to the zoo. (I hope the penguins enjoyed their visit!)
  • Jake shot an elephant in his pajamas. (Jake never did explain how the elephant got into his PJ’s).
  • Mike caught the fly ball running backwards.
  • I found a lottery ticket walking home.

Jumat, 19 April 2019


Tugas Softskill (TASK 2)
ASMA UL HUSNA                            (21216138)
HAFSHAH KAMILA                        (23216156)
MAHESSA ALIA ROSALINE         (24216228)
SHEILLA FAKHRIYAH                   (26216989)
WILDA DINI RIASTUTI                  (27216645)

In a sunny morning, Alia had been prepared to go to school. Before leaving the school, Alia breakfast beforehand with his mother. Alia told her mother that she would attend the Kartini day and had to use batik shirt. So she had to buy batik shirt first because she did not have a batik shirt.
Alia             :"May (2)I ask money to buy batik shirt, mom? Because I should to attend Kartini days event at my school. "
Mrs. Alia    :"Where will you buy it?"
Alia           :"In(3) the Indah Busana Store."
Mrs. Alia    :"Okay. When do you want to(3) buy it? "(Mrs. Alia gives the money)
Alia             :"I’m going to buy it after school." (Taking money from her mother). "Thanks Mom."
When she arrived at the Indah Busana Store, Alia goes directly to the employees in the store.
Alia           :"Excuse me. I’m looking for batik shirt. Can (2) I get batik shirt here?”
Employee   :"Well, I'll show it."
Meanwhile, Alia meet her classmate at the store
Shakeela   :“Oh hi, Alia. What a surprise, i meet you here. Are you looking for batik for Kartini’s Day, too?
Alia           :“Hi, Shakeela. Yes, I haven’t got one, what about you?”
Shakeela     :“Me too, have you choosen yours?”
And then, the waiter shows the batik shirt, Alia rush choose shirt that she likes.
Alia             :“Right on time, I’m about to choose mine. I’ll take this one Miss. Can you please get me this shirt in size XL?"
Employee   :"OK. I'll look for that size. Wait a minute, please."
Shakeela    :“That is nice, and I will take this one. Can you please also get me this shirt in size L?”
Employee   :“Right away Miss”
After waiting a few minutes ...
Employee       :"Here the shirts, this one is for you (giving it to Alia) and this one for you miss."
Alia & Shakeela:“Thank you.”
Alia                  :"Okay. How much the price?"
Employee      :"The price is  Rp 75,000.00.”(Write a note payment to Alia). "This is the payment  note, please pay at(3) the cashier."
(Alia walking to the cashier)
Shakeela       :“You sure won’t to try it on first before you pay?”
Alia               :“It’s okay she got us the new one, I think it will be okay.”
Shakeela       :“Okay then, I’ll try it on in the fitting room, where are you going after this? I’ll have lunch at the mall later, wanna come?”
Alia               :“I actually in the middle of hurry, I’m sorry but i can’t. I should come home. Maybe next time?”
Shakeela       :“Its okay, see you next. Take care on your way home”
Alia               :“Thank you, see you.”
As soon as Alia gets home. Alia check the batik shirt she bought. But, the shirt she bought turned out to be torn. Then(1), Alia complained to her mother.
Alia          :"Mom, I just realized the shirt that i bought was torn!"
Mrs. Alia   :"Why get torn? Give to me, I’ll help you to check again."
Alia            : "I don’t know mom. I've had a look and it was torn. Should i have to return it? "
Mrs. Alia  :"Yes, you should. We should go to the store to complain. Don’t forget to(3) bring the note of payment."
When Alia and her mother had arrived at the Indah Busana Store...
Employee  : "What can I help ma'am?"
Mrs. Alia   :"I want to complain about my daughter shirt were purchased in this store."
Employee  : "I’m so sorry to hear that, what’s the problem?"
Mrs. Alia   :"There is a torn on this sleeve of shirt. "
Employee  :"May(2) I see ?"
 (Give Alia’s shirt at the store employees)
Mrs. Alia   :"I want refund. Why my daughter was given the torn shirt?"
Employee  :"Im sorry, I believe can’t do that. The rule on this store is, if there is item that not suitable(2) the money cannot be returned. Except(1), by(3) exchanging the item with(3) the other.”
Mrs. Alia   :"But I want the money returned. I want to buy it in other store than(1) I must exchanging it for other shirt in this store."
Employee  :"That’s can not ma'am, it's provisions."
Mrs. Alia   :"Please, call the owner of this store."
Employee   : (Call the store manager) "Hello Mrs. Dona, there is customer who want complain about the shirt that have been purchased, the customer wants a refund."
Mrs. Dona :"Please you explain if there are items that do not fit(2), the money will not be refunded, but can be exchanged for other item.”
Employee    :"I have described, but the customer still want to their money refunded."
Mrs. Dona   :"OK. I'm going to the store to talk."
After Ms. Dona arrived to the store, she went directly to the employees and customers.
Mrs. Dona   :"Can I help you ma'am?"
Mrs. Alia     :"My doughter bought a batik shirt here, but the shirt she bought was torn."
Mrs. Dona   :"Let me see it."
Mrs. Alia  :(Giving shirt bought by Alia) "I want the money returned, I don’t want to be exchanged with(3) other shirt."
Mrs. Dona :"We apologize in advance ma'am, the money already paid can’t be refunded. But, only be exchanged for other item."
Mrs. Alia  :"And then(1)what's the solution? I disappointed with(3) this store. Necessarily before the items are ready for sale, it should be checked in order to avoid damage to the product such as this."
Mrs. Dona   :"We are sorry for the errors and omissions of the performance of our store."
Mrs. Alia     :"What is the best solution for this?"
Mrs. Dona   :"Well, we will return the money. But only half of the price of that shirt."
Mrs. Alia     :"Ok. I agree."
Mrs. Dona   :"We apologize for any events that occur with the mother."
Mrs. Alia   :"OK. I'll forgive. I accept(1) that apology for the error. Hopefully this kind of thing does not happen to(3) other customers."

The Explanation:
Alia (Students from high school in Depok)
Mrs. Alia (Alia’s Mother)
Shakeela (Alia’s Friend)
Employees (Employee of Indah Busana Store)
Mrs. Dona (Manager of Indah Busana Store )

Commonly Misused Words (1)
·         Then and Than
·         Except and Accept
Confusingly Related Words (2)
·         May and Can
·         Fit and Suitable
Preposition (3)
·         At
·         In
·         To
·         By
·         With